(940) 782-9410


Will this system work on my boat?
Yes, if you have an inboard motor (flat bottom, deep v, or direct drive) wakeboard boat, the system will work as long as there is enough room to fit it on the transom (might have to move under water lights or other accessories if they are in the way where the tabs would mount) . If GSA fits, our system will make a great edition to your boat.
Do I need to have ballast?
Yes, you cannot substsitute ballast when surfing. You must have weight in the boat to displace water. Our system prefers weight in the back of the boat so look at weight recommendations on our ballast page. Not all systems are created evenly.
Are these kits available for self install?
Yes, you can purchase the kit by either calling Go Surf Assist (940-782-9410) or Wakemakers (888-338-6085).
Can my local dealership install GSA?
Yes, contact your local dealer and ask if they can install GSA. We have dealers all across the US and other countries. If your boat dealer is not currently a provider of GSA, they can contact us and get set up to become a dealer.
Does GSA affect the wakeboard wake?
No, not at all. The tabs are fully retracted when wakeboarding and do not interfere with wakeboard wake.
Will GSA affect my fuel consumption?
Our system provides transom lift and helps your boat run flat while making your boat run more effeciently.
Do I use the pre-existing holes from my other surf system?
No, you will never use the pre-existing holes. If you buy GSA, you will need to start fresh with new holes. You can 5200 the old holes. Never drill into the same spot, move over atleast 1/2 inch before drilling new holes.
Is there warranty on the system?
Yes, there is a 2yr limited warranty on all parts.